This week was kicked off with Easter Sunday. Of course we did the fun things like dyeing Easter eggs, having an egg hunt, enjoying the baskets that the Easter Bunny brought, and generally spending time together as a family, but, G and I also took some extra time to learn/watch more about the reason behind Easter. Every night, G and I have been reading small stories from the Little Boys Bible Storybook, and it really helped prep him for the story of Easter. He's been asking questions since then, so I'm excited to continue this journey with him. Deep Space eggs Hunting for Easter eggs... Aside from that amazing day, we also celebrated my #46 birthday! I worked all day on my birthday, but both kids were home from school, so I had the opportunity for constant hugs and celebratory wishes. :) They also had TKD that night, but we had planned that out, so dinner was on its way as we were heading home. Not a bad way to celebrate a Thursday birthday, during a busy week! G made me a gift ...
" branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."