We had some wacky and weird weather this week. On Monday it started to snow, and I noticed the strange juxtaposition of the softly falling snow and the beautiful autumn leaves that were still on the trees. And not just a few leaves...those branches are still very full! Add in the still-green grass, and I believe that Mother Nature might have been a little drunk. So that was really weird...and then we got about 7" of snow dumped on us throughout Tuesday. The roads were a mess and people forgot how to drive. I was so happy that we didn't have to go anywhere (Ava's baton class for that night was cancelled due to the weather.) Fast forward a few days and on Thursday, around 9am, the sky turned a very strange, dark orange color. It was so dark outside that the streetlights popped back on, and Ava refused to stay in her room to do her schoolwork. She spent most of the morning with me on the main floor. There were two factors that contributed to the sky looking like that: 1) the ...
"Siblings...like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."