We managed to pack in a final summer band concert, as well as a baton recital, within 3 short days of each other this past week, but now...we're free! No more commitments (right...) until the school year starts again. Hooray! We had a storm sweep through earlier this week, but in its wake, it left a dazzling double rainbow (this pic just doesn't do it justice.) On Tuesday, Ava squeezed in a band rehearsal, a birthday party at a water park, and her final baton rehearsal. I managed to sneak in a hair cut and a few errands, between my chauffeur duties for Miss Ava. On Thursday, Ava had her final band rehearsal, and mini-concert that I was able to attend. But, lest you think I had any down time, I did not! In between dropping off Ava for her rehearsal, and the 30+ minutes later that I needed to be back for the concert, I decided to squeeze in a trip to visit my parents, and to wish my dad a very happy 70th birthday! On Friday, we raced around at the end of the day, co...
"Siblings...like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."