We've been back a week now from our vacation, and I think we're doing our best to hold on to the residual relaxation that we gained during our time away. I'll do a separate post later with all of the pics from up north (I took a LOT of photos!) Ava, G, and Scott all returned to their normal routine this past Monday, but I still had Mon-Tues off of work. I had a made a to-do list for my vacation time, and while I didn't complete all of it, I did manage to knock quite a few things off as completed. And that feels really good! Ava is 99.9% ready to go for school...new clothes, shoes, backpack, lunch bag, water bottle, haircut, registered online, etc...all we're waiting on is box of school supplies to arrive. Eeek! The company that we use every year to buy all of the school supplies had some issues with their vendors, and didn't receive all of the items. The box is supposed to arrive this week...fingers crossed that most of the supplies are included! I don't...
"Siblings...like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."