I'm struggling to remember what we did this week...this weekend has been so good, so relaxing. Apparently, whatever happened last week is just a distant memory! I do recall that G had some extra visitors at daycare on Monday. Some with many feet, some with wings, and some with a shared DNA. A few weeks ago, we learned that the Bug Man from the zoo was going to bring in some creepy, crawly creatures. G hates bugs. A lot. The daycare kindly gave me a heads up so we could have extra support there for G. Thank goodness for Grandma Karen and Grandpa Doug! They were able to stop by and help wrangle some bugs and kids. And...I heard from several teachers that G did much better than expected! I also remember that we managed to sneak in a dinner out with the kids. We always split the seats where it's one parent/one kid per side of booth. But this week, G insisted that he sit by Ava. It was so odd to see both kids across from us. But, it was nice to actually sit by Sco...
"Siblings...like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."