I.Am.Pooped. Yesterday was an eleven mile day. And my feet hurt. But, let me back up a bit. Both Scott and I had short work weeks...we didn't have daycare Wed-Fri of this week (Sheila was on vacation.) I stayed at home on Wednesday, and we had a very good day...we went to the library and Ava picked up her last "summer reading challenge" prize, we got her hair cut into a cute little bob (she reminded me that we needed to cut her hair before school started...such a good little assistant!) and then they accompanied me to get new running shoes. Both of them made quite the impression on the sales lady - she was a saint, and rolled with everything that came out of our sassy girl's mouth. And I successfully used a gift card (for the shoes) that I've been carrying around for FOUR years. I count that as quite an accomplishment! I asked Ava to make a "thank you" gift for Sheila for watching her this summer. She ended up making an almost life-siz...
"Siblings...like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."