August has been such a busy's not surprising that the time has flown by so quickly, but at the same time, I can't believe it's almost September! I'm catching up a bit on pics from this past month... The first trip Ava and I took was a journey up to Fargo. We rode up with my friend Emilie, and visited her roommate from college, Sheri. Sheri also had her 5-year old niece, Piper, for a portion of the weekend, so we were hoping the two little girls would have lots to talk about. But, not so much...for as outgoing and chatty as Ava is, Piper was the exact opposite. Ava worked pretty hard each day at getting Piper to talk to her. By both evenings, she was successful, and then the two little girls giggled and whispered non-stop. It was pretty cute to watch, once they got going! Hitting the road! Ava's second mom on the trip :) Ava and Piper, slowly getting to know each other Davies Pool is A...
" branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."