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Showing posts from March, 2010

Uh, Rollover at the Garage!

First things first...Scooter and Puppy are safe!  They went through some intense soaking with "Kids N Pets" - best stuff's a must-have if you have, well, kids and pets.  They also went through several rounds of washing in the washing machine, so they are nice and clean, and stink-free.  Tonight's the first night Ava gets to sleep with both of them...when she saw them this morning, she was so excited.  She didn't want to put them down for anything!  Made changing her diaper a little challenging, but we mastered working around the extra eight legs. Second, I didn't tell many people, but I had surgery yesterday, and am recovering fine.  I had a lipoma removed, so it wasn't a big deal.  But, I was a little overhwhelmed when they walked me into the OR and strapped me down to the table.  Big lights, lots of equipment - wow.  It was all new to me.  And no, I never watched E.R.  All I remember was someone saying, "This...

Scooter & Puppy: A Sad Story

This has been one crazy week...happy, crabby, sick, tired, blah!  We started off the week on a high note.  Ava had some good days at daycare, and was a sweet child at home.  She decided to curl up in the massive caterpillar one night before dinner.  It must have been fun, as her teddy bear, Scooter, and Blankie all got the same treatment. Lucky teddy bear... Now Scooter and Blankie... After she was done with that, she decided that some of her little friends needed to be tucked into bed.  Here you can see Dollie, a tea cup, Puppy and Glo-Worm all tucked in.  Clearly, Ava was in a sharing mood...her socks and shoes were also invited to bed. I don't do very well at geting pics of Ava and me.  She looks terrified in this one! What a proper girl - look at that pinky! So, our week was off to a great start!  And then the puking began.  She began coughing one night, so I went to check on her.  There was um, a yucky s...

Tea Party for Two

Ava's newest thing is to drag one of her little chairs to our kitchen table, move my chair out of the way, and put her chair in my chair's place.  Is she trying to get rid of me?  Seriously, my chair is the furthest away from her little table, and there are 3 others she could move!  She also thoroughly enjoys running around with her little step stool.  So, it came as no surprise the other evening, when we found her sitting underneath the table, with Scooter on her chair (which displaced my chair, of course), and Blankie and 2 tea cups nearby.  You can't see it in these pictures, but her little tea pot is on the stool, which is right next to her chair. Hanging with Daddy one night after dinner...two peas in a pod! Ava's nurturing side has also been coming through...she loves wrapping Scooter up in Blankie and tucking them underneath the covers, while saying, "Sleepy...go sleepy!"  She makes sure that Puppy and GloWorm are all tucked in, ...

Random Days

We had a very busy week, which means that once again, we didn't have a chance to take many photos.  So, here is a random smattering of images and comments from the past few days... Ava loves her new bed!  She only fell out once that first night, and tonight when we checked on her, she was snuggled up with Scooter under the sheet, snoring away.  This picture is not from tonight. :)  She looked so comfy in it the other morning that I just had to take a pic. Spring is almost here!  I took Ava to daycare in a dress with no tights the other day...good thing daycare is a 15-second walk from our house! Apparently Scooter and Ava have made up...tonight, she was trying to strap him into her booster seat with her sippy cup. Ava looks very 1980's with her headbands like this. She had some difficulty removing it from her head! Thank goodness it's Sunday tomorrow...we both still need a day to recover from the week.  In fact, I am the only awake liv...

Snow Fun!

This whole winter, we never found the right time to take Ava out to play in the snow until last weekend.  All of the doggy pooh was picked up, and Scott made a nice level field in our it was a gorgeous day!  Lots of sunshine, which we desperately needed.  It seems that spring might be on its way...!  I realize that might be hard to believe with the thick blanket of snow shown in these pics. The angle of the camera makes Ava look so tiny next to Scott... Incoming! "I'm on high alert now!" Getting a lesson in making snowballs from Daddy. Mommy left for two seconds and Daddy made AVA into a snowball! It doesn't look like Ava moved around very much outside, does it?  Her mittens ended up getting soaked after 20 minutes, so we needed to move the fun inside.  The next day, on the walk home from daycare, she reached right into a snowbank with her bare hands.  Brrrrrrrrr!