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Showing posts from July, 2009

Fangs and Tennis Shoes...?

Scott and I had a date night last night...yay! We went to dinner, saw a movie (The Proposal - it was cute!), and then went to the Cro for a night cap. Ava stayed with Grandma Deb last night, and I think we both slept so well...until the beagles woke us up at 6:45 this morning. Oh well, at least it wasn't 4:20am like during the week! When I was in Northern WI last week, I bought Ava a cute purple cat for her to sleep with. She LOVES it! Here's a close-up of the kitty (and Lucky checking it out!) Ava's been pushing the other kids out of the Cozy Coupe at daycare, so Debi was nice enough to let us borrow it overnight. All Ava really wants to do is get in, shut the door, and sit there. She hasn't quite figured out how to make it go, but she makes a big show of slamming the door! Scott and I are going to check out a Cozy Coupe we found on Craigslist this afternoon, so hopefully, Ava will have one of her own before the day is over! Our garden has EXPLODED! The squash has ta...

Mommy's Night Away...!

This weekend, I went to a wedding in northern WI with my friend Tiffany. This means that Scott had his first overnight alone with Ava! I have to admit, I was little nervous, but he's such a good dad, that I didn't really think there would be any problems (and there weren't.) It gave them a chance for some really good Daddy/daughter bonding time. But, it was pretty great to come home today and see Ava's smiling face and get a huge hug from her. I bought her the cutest little purple cat (yes, a cat - we have a million puppy stuffed animals, so I thought I would mix it up a bit), and she's been carrying Roller (that's his name) around with her all day. Last I saw, she was holding onto him in her crib as she was falling asleep. :) I didn't bring my camera out for the wedding, but I couldn't resist taking a few shots at the hotel this morning. What a great view of the bay (feeds into Lake Superior)! Have a good week!

Where is the Summer Going?

Ava's really been paying more attention to her environment, and how she interacts with her toys, us, her friends at daycare, and loud noises (her first reaction is to run to the nearest adult and grab their legs - but once she knows what the noise is, she wants to watch it.) Over the weekend, Scott was mowing our lawn, and running the leaf blower...both loud objects. Once she saw it was Daddy doing it, then she couldn't take her eyes off of him. She even said, "Dada"...and I know it wasn't an accident! In my last blog post, I commented on how she's been putting her dolly in the stroller and exersaucer she's feeding her puppy her Cheerios! Unless she's really hungry, and then she doesn't share! On Sunday, Ava and I went to River Falls to visit with Lisa and Dylan, and Tiffany and Isabel. The kids were so good together - it seemed whatever toy one child had, the others wanted. Ava was quite fond of Dylan's cow and blue elephant. After lunc...

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July! Hope you had a safe, and fun celebration! We didn't stay up late enough to watch any fireworks, but it seemed like everyone in the neighborhood was having fun setting them off. The dogs did really well, and didn't freak out, and even though there was one that landed by one of our bedroom windows, Ava didn't wake up at all! It's been pretty nice here, so we've been taking advantage of the warm weather to let Ava use her new pool. I think she's really liking it! The toys help to make it a little less scary for her. Ava's newest thing is to say, "Uh-oh..." after she's dropped something. I have no idea where she learned that from - maybe daycare? It's really cute, though, to hear her vocabulary expanding each day. "I'm not really sure about this pool thing..." Toys make it all better! Scott thought it would be fun to put goggles on her for a few minutes. She did really well with them and didn't even try to p...