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Showing posts from February, 2017

Green Green Green!

Ava loves Fun Dip. I used to love it when I was the one eating it, but now I see it as messy and just pure sugar that gets everywhere. Yuck. But, Ava got a color-changing packet for Valentine's Day, so she had it for a treat last weekend. The powder was blue, but when it got wet, it turned the prettiest shade of green! And then G thought it was fun to be sticking his tongue out, too, so he wanted me to get a pic of his very normal colored tongue. He's big into pictures now...always wanting to take them! No tongues, he just wanted a pic with Mom! Ava's been busy practicing for her music program, which is later this week. The theme is America, which I find to be timely, all political things considered. Ava volunteered to have a speaking part, so she's going to kick off one of the songs!  We've been practicing a lot recently...can't wait to see how things go! G is super excited because this afternoon, he is going to his first birthday party for a l...

I Love To Read!

February is all about reading at Ava's school. She has a monthly challenge to read at least 400 minutes a month, but in February, she's aiming for 1000 minutes! She's doing a fantastic job so far...I have the feeling that she'll be meeting her goal!  We also submitted a pic to the school of her reading Harry Potter to G...not sure that G really appreciated the story! We also had a lovely Valentine's Day this week...both kids passed out valentines in their classes, and of course they came home with a mountain of candy. I just found candy from G's party last year! I guess it's a good thing that they don't burn through candy that fast...but we really, really don't need extra candy for any holiday, ever again! Getting ready to head to school on Heart Day! Scott made the kids an early dinner on Valentine's Day and then we sent them off to bed a little early so we could enjoy a dinner for just the two of us. After the crazy times I'...

Necessary Fun Times

I think the end of winter may be in sight.  I know we'll have a some more snow storms, and there will definitely be more chilly days, but, it seems that perhaps, we have passed the point of a deep freeze.  I just checked the weather, and it looks like we will be up into the 50s next weekend.  The 50s!!  In February!  In Minnesota!  Say what you will, but I'm pretty sure climate change is a real thing. In any case, we have gotten over the post-holiday slump, and have been taking advantage of the nicer days (and appreciating the longer hours of sunshine) to get outside and focus on fun.  Last weekend, Ava worked on her decorating her Valentine's box and also writing out her class Valentine's (it's just easier to do them right away, rather than waiting until the last minute and feeling rushed and stressed out.) Since it was such a nice day, some of her little neighborhood friends came over to see if she could play outside with them.  When she was d...

Are You a Good Guy or a Bad Guy?

When G plays with his Superman toy, or watches a TV show with superheroes in it, I usually remember to ask, "Are you a good guy or a bad guy?"  And, without fail, he always says that he's a good guy. Good answer, G!   When Ava was little and big into the Princesses and Fairies, there was a brief time where she seemed to like the villains a little bit more.  I won't lie, that concerned me for a bit.  But now it's clear to see that she is a good person, with a sweet heart, and would never, ever do something to hurt someone intentionally.  Yesterday, she was playing in Minecraft, and was telling me about the Creepers (aka suicide bombers...that was a fun one to explain) and just other creatures in general.  She showed me this amazing house that she built, and I asked her if she would invite anyone inside of her house.  Her only rule was that they had to be nice and not say mean things.  Atta girl! It makes my heart happy to know that our children...