Ava loves Fun Dip. I used to love it when I was the one eating it, but now I see it as messy and just pure sugar that gets everywhere. Yuck. But, Ava got a color-changing packet for Valentine's Day, so she had it for a treat last weekend. The powder was blue, but when it got wet, it turned the prettiest shade of green! And then G thought it was fun to be sticking his tongue out, too, so he wanted me to get a pic of his very normal colored tongue. He's big into pictures now...always wanting to take them! No tongues, he just wanted a pic with Mom! Ava's been busy practicing for her music program, which is later this week. The theme is America, which I find to be timely, all political things considered. Ava volunteered to have a speaking part, so she's going to kick off one of the songs! We've been practicing a lot recently...can't wait to see how things go! G is super excited because this afternoon, he is going to his first birthday party for a l...
"Siblings...like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."