3 out of 4 isn't usually a bad thing, when it comes to playing to win, right? 75% isn't super awesome if it's a test score. And it's really, really not fabulous when it comes to the number of family members who have been sick with a stomach bug in the last five days. On Tuesday night, I was in the family room, working on something, and heard G cough a little bit, and then he cried for a few seconds, and went back to sleep. No biggie, he does that. But when I headed up stairs to go to bed, and I noticed there was an...odor to the air. I went right to his room and realized he had vomited EVERYWHERE. In his crib, on the floor, in his hair, all over his pjs. Ugh. So, Scott and I cleaned up the mess (thank goodness for washing machines) and got everyone settled back into bed. G did that a few weeks ago when he had a certain brand of ravioli, and that's exactly what he had for dinner on Tuesday night, so we figured it didn't settle wel...
"Siblings...like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."