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Showing posts from February, 2015

3 out of 4

3 out of 4 isn't usually a bad thing, when it comes to playing to win, right?  75% isn't super awesome if it's a test score.  And it's really, really not fabulous when it comes to the number of family members who have been sick with a stomach bug in the last five days. On Tuesday night, I was in the family room, working on something, and heard G cough a little bit, and then he cried for a few seconds, and went back to sleep.  No biggie, he does that.  But when I headed up stairs to go to bed, and I noticed there was an...odor to the air.  I went right to his room and realized he had vomited EVERYWHERE.  In his crib, on the floor, in his hair, all over his pjs.  Ugh.  So, Scott and I cleaned up the mess (thank goodness for washing machines) and got everyone settled back into bed.  G did that a few weeks ago when he had a certain brand of ravioli, and that's exactly what he had for dinner on Tuesday night, so we figured it didn't settle wel...

Super smarts!

In the aftermath of being overworked for months, this past week was a pleasant surprise.  Is this what it's like to leave at a decent time each night?  And to sleep in until my alarm goes off (as opposed to waking up at 3am and working for hours before leaving for work)?  It was amazing!  And most likely short-lived, but I will enjoy it while it's here! We had Ava's conferences this past Wednesday, but she wasn't feeling well, so Scott stayed at home with the kids, while I trekked over to her school and met with Mrs. M.  We had a fantastic discussion about Ava, kids, life, etc.  There was a 15-min break between our conference time, and the next session, so we were able to extend our discussion for a few extra minutes.  And then I made an impromptu stop at the book fair, and picked up some new books for both kids.  Ava's moving into chapter books, so that's a big jump - and it opens up so many new options for reading material! A few fun facts f...


Whew...I had to take last weekend off from posting, as I worked both days to prepare for my big project launch this week.  Phase 1 has launched, and we're looking at launching several more phases over the new several weeks.  It's a great feeling to know that much of the pre-work is done, and now the ops team can come in and start to manage the project...and that my hours should hopefully drop down to a more manageable level.  I have a great director, who is very aware of my hours, and is doing what she can to get those back to a normal level.  It's been so nice to have work-free time at home this weekend, and spend time with my family! G had his 15-month appointment on Friday.  He's in the 75% for height, and 34% for weight...tall and skinny!  Everything checked out great, and he took his shots like a champ.  He's had a bit of a reaction to his DTP vaccine (loss of appetite, throwing up, and a fever) but he's still managing to be a cheery little guy....