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Showing posts from August, 2011

Happily Ever After?

Lately, I've been adding to the Disney Princess movies in our collection.  Last week I bought Beauty and the Beast for Ava.  That was never a favorite movie of mine, but now that I've seen it several times in the last week, it's growing on me.  I figure this is a good chance for me to catch up on some of the stories that I missed out on! Watching all of these princess movies has me thinking about fairy tales...why is it that it's always the evil stepMOTHER?  Or the mom is dead, and no one has taken her place?  Very rarely is it the father who is evil, or dead.  This has actually come up as a topic in more than one conversation lately, and has me a bit intrigued.  Fairy tales are often not very happy - and usually someone dies at some point.  I was a giving an overview of Snow White to a friend of mine, and as I was going through the story, both of us were horrified at the message - mom dies, evil stepmother wants to murder her pretty stepdaugh...

Fun at the Fair!

We haven't taken Ava to the Minnesota State Fair yet, as we feel that she is still too small.  That, plus, we both get irritated by the strollers that continuously run over our feet, hit our heels, and take up too much space in an already crowded venue.  We both agreed that we wouldn't take her to the state fair until she was at least 5 years old, and could actually enjoy (which means that we wouldn't have to carry her the whole time - because we were NOT going to bring a stroller there!) However!  A county fair is a completely different story! Yesterday, Ava and I met up with my friend Tina, her two kids (remember Spencer from the July 4th adventure?  "Spencer!  Spencer!  Carry me, Spencer!"), her niece, and a neighborhood friend.  2 adults and 5 kids is what I consider to be beautiful chaos.  Especially when one of them is a sassy 3-year old. :)  We ended up going to the Dakota County Fair, which was definitely a county fair, but fun...

What's the Big i-Doody?

So it was just a matter of time before Ava's favorite word (dude) turned into doody.  Partly because it was an easy transition to just slap a "y" on the end, and partly because she's three, and words like that make her laugh. We hear the word doody in a variety of sentences: In the song she sings as she washes her hands - hum the tune to Frere Jacques: "Top and doody (bottom), top and doody (bottom), in between" etc... She started saying, "What's the big idea!?" recently...and today, she switched it up to "What's the big i-doody!?"  This happens to be my personal favorite.  Makes me laugh, every, single. time. Mommy-doody, Daddy-doody, Darlie-doody, etc.  Nothing's funnier than tacking on "doody" to the end of a word.  I guess. Of course I can't think of any more, but seriously, if I had 5 hands, I still couldn't count how many times she has slipped "doody" in for another word. O...