Happy Halloween! It's been a busy week preparing for this fun holiday...and Ava's new favorite word is SCARY! We got a lot of use out of that word tonight as we went out trick or treating - there were some great house decorations! Earlier this week, I carved pumpkins. Ava was supposed to help out, but she got one look at the pumpkin guts and decided she wanted nothing to do with it. Note to self: whoever picks out the pumpkin pattern must be the one to carve the pumpkin. For the record, I picked out the face, Scott picked out the spooky house. Guess which one took twice as long to carve? That's right, Scott...next time, YOU get to carve the more detailed one! I thought it would be fun to roast pumpkins seeds for the first time, too - but I think I cooked them a little too long...they were extra crunchy and a little darker than they should be. Oh well, my domestic goddess-ness had pretty much been maxed out for the evening! Today w...
"Siblings...like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."