Our massive tomatoes plants have produced an amazing amount of crop this year - and there is still a ton to come. Last Sunday, Scott canned the first 20 jars of his salsa...I remember the first year that we canned it, and we had no idea what we were doing. Now, he has a process in place, and I stay out of the way. It really works best for everyone! This year's salsa has a little more heat to it, but it still tastes fantastic. Ava and I were finishing up lunch last Sunday when he was starting to chop up the veggies. She was NOT happy with the food processor, and finished the rest of her lunch with her hands over her ears. It was best for all when we left the kitchen! Examining a piece of cheese...looking bored. Still bored...eating the piece of cheese. And then the noise started - and she didn't eat any more. A few random pics from the week: All three dogs watching Ava and Scott look for the bunny in the front yard. Posing for the ca...
"Siblings...like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."