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Showing posts from August, 2010

Salsa and Splashing

Our massive tomatoes plants have produced an amazing amount of crop this year - and there is still a ton to come.  Last Sunday, Scott canned the first 20 jars of his salsa...I remember the first year that we canned it, and we had no idea what we were doing.  Now, he has a process in place, and I stay out of the way.  It really works best for everyone!  This year's salsa has a little more heat to it, but it still tastes fantastic. Ava and I were finishing up lunch last Sunday when he was starting to chop up the veggies.  She was NOT happy with the food processor, and finished the rest of her lunch with her hands over her ears.  It was best for all when we left the kitchen! Examining a piece of cheese...looking bored. Still bored...eating the piece of cheese. And then the noise started - and she didn't eat any more. A few random pics from the week: All three dogs watching Ava and Scott look for the bunny in the front yard. Posing for the ca...

HOT Summer Days

The past few weeks have been incredibily hot and humid here in Minnesota.  To keep things cool, we've brought out Ava's little pool for her to splash around in.  She loves to scoop up all of the water from the pool into her toy bucket - most of the time, the water ends up on the grass, but as long as she's happy, we can always add more water! Ava also received a vertical sprinkler toy for her birthday, and it looks like she's still not a fan of getting her hair and face wet.  So, instead we used it to water the garden!  The monster tomatoes enjoyed it. Today we're going to try to go to the Splash Pool in So St Paul.  Grandma Deb took her there last month, and surprise! She didn't like getting her face wet, but it sounds like she had fun playing in the water.  I'm just hoping the weather is super hot and sunny, so we can really enjoy cooling off in the water. It looks like she's been hanging out with the beagles too much... She was

Look Who's Sassy...

My, my, my.  This week, Ava's sassy personality really came through.  I can't count how many times I have been hit, kicked, yelled at, and told to go away.  There might have even been an order or two to put me in timeout.  In addition to these fun new features, she's also copying everything we say.  And I mean EVERYTHING.  Sometimes the end results are pretty cute.  I asked her to choose between banana pudding and brownie pudding, and somehow when she chose, it came out as "bunny" pudding.  Hm.  That's a new one.  We opted to skip the bunny flavor, and went with the banana cream pie instead. Last night over dinner, Ava was getting extra sassy and the end result was a serious staredown between Scott and Ava.  I was an innocent bystander, and felt like I was at a tennis match to see who would break first.  Ava eventually popped out her lower lip and started to "cry" (at the age of two she is already a m...