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Showing posts from February, 2010

Ava's New Bed

Ava's toddler bed was delivered much more quickly than we thought.  As soon as we brought it home, I made it a point to get it setup and ready to go.  I didn't want this to be a project that was delayed for weeks.  Ava was such a good little helper while Scott and I were assembling the bed.  She even read the directions...yeah! Something's not right here... This should help us out! Almost done... Will this thing hold my weight? Yeah!  It's done!  And I'm NAKED! Notice that we put the bed together in the living room...we didn't put it in her room that night, and I had a horrible thought that we wouldn't be able to get the fully assembled bed through her doorway.  With some careful maneuvering, we were able to slide it through. It's a good thing we were ready to switch...not only was Scooter hanging behind the crib toy the next morning, Ava thought it would be nice to cover him up, so he couldn't see what torture was coming at him next. S...

Flatware? Really?

I posted our blog so early last Sunday, that we didn't have any pics of Ava opening her little Valentine's day gift bag from us.  Nothing too big, just a few V-Day socks, snacks, a book, and a flatware set to keep in her little diaper bag.  She was most excited by the little bag of mini M&Ms.  And definitely least excited by the flatware.  Check it out. Shaking the mini M&Ms... Oh goody, just what I always wanted.  Flatware. You may remember that Ava has a thing for headbands.  Since she managed to break my favorite black one, I bought her a set of her own.  At first she was wearing them around her neck like a necklace, but now she found a new way to be in fashion.  What a trendsetter! This morning I was cleaning up after breakfast, and I heard her start counting.  I looked over at her little table, and noticed that she had a whole book set lined up across the table and was counting them.  Her favor...

A weekend of love...

Ava LOVES going into our closet and pulling out all of my shoes (better the shoes than my dresser...more than once I have come into our bedroom with clothes scattered all over the floor.)  She seems particularly fascinated by our slippers.  She's learned this week to get my slippers and bring them to me, or get Daddy's slippers and bring them to him.  (It's not quite as "Doggy, fetch this!" as it sounds...!)  I got home late from work on Thursday night, and Scott was insistent that Ava bring me my slippers.  Of course, this was one time she just wasn't I went in to get them, and I found a beautiful bouquet of flowers waiting for me on my dresser! I'm so impressed that Scott bought them in advance!  When I went grocery shopping yesterday, I couldn't believe the swarm of men in the floral department. :) We opted to stay in this year for Valentine's Day, so we had a wonderful dinner last night of t-bones, baked potatoes, and strawb...

The BIG Game!

Last Sunday we went to Grandma Deb and Grandpa Whitey's house for the SuperBowl.  Honestly, we didn't watch much of the game, but we had a great time visiting with everyone, and eating the vast amount of snacks.  Yum!  I did manage to sneak away to watch part of the halftime show, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and then, it was time to go home and put Ava to bed. Wearing Daddy's hat and watching the game (and looking a little bit like a boy...oh well!) She kept taking the hat off and putting it back on...but her aim wasn't the best.  See her little nose through the opening in the back of the hat? Ava was able to take a bath in the big, new tub while we were there, so it would make the bedtime routine a breeze when we got back to our house.  Grandma Deb had given Ava some bath body paints for Christmas...she loved painting on her belly! After bath time, Ava was snuggly in her pjs, and was keeping a close eye on Grandma Deb when she went outside....

There's a Frog in the Bath...EEEEEEEEE!

Last Sunday I picked up a cute little wind-up frog for Ava's bathtime enjoyment.  Its little legs click-clack together, and propel it through the water once it is wound...super fun.  Unless you are Ava.  In that case, Ava's introduction to the froggy didn't go so well.  Scott wound it up, put it in the water, and let her go...right towards Ava.  She screamed a very loud, "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" and grabbed on to me for dear life.  She eventually came around to tolerating the frog in her bathwater, but she still kicks it or pushes it away from her when it gets too close.  Oh well...maybe I should have gone with the dolphin wind-up! I took part of Friday off of work, and Ava and I had a nice breakfast of crumpets and strawberry syrup.  I turned my head away for 2 seconds, and she was licking the plate.  The end result reminded me of sticky Rudolph!  Mommy bought some new boots last weekend, and Ava seems to really like the fur in ...