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Is that Spring in the Distance?

We've had some very busy weeks recently with school, work, activities, etc. Plus, the weather is warming up, so the desire to spend time outside is increasing. I put out my spring table runner this's almost here! Snuggling in to watch a movie one night G and I went to Noodles for lunch a few weeks ago - so good! Ava prepared a presentation on why she needs a new phone (there's already a plan in place to upgrade ALL of our phones, but she was trying to accelerate the timeline. Sometimes we have to say no...) Love her! Last weekend, I was out of town with some friends, and I captured this sunset over a nearby lake. It was so beautiful, and I even managed to squeeze in an hour-long walk with a friend. It was fantastic to be outside, soaking up the sunshine! Ava continues to ask for pictures of Pria every day while she's at school, and I thought this was pretty silly, with her little leg kicked out to the side I'm looking forward to have dinner with my pare...
Recent posts

Happy Heart Day!

This past Friday, Scott and I battled a snowstorm and had a lovely dinner out for Valentine's Day. It was really nice to get away for a few hours, although I kept checking in on Ava because she and Aaron were also out, battling the snowstorm for their Valentine's Day dinner. Everyone ended up being safe, and had a wonderful evening! (Note: G and Pria hung out at home, so they were the most safe!) Last weekend, Ava and my mom helped me clean out my closet and dresser, and they both went home with some new (to them) clothes. In fact, Ava wore an entire outfit made up of my clothes on Friday! Do you see G peeking around in the background? Every school day, Ava asks me for a pic of Pria, just to see how she's doing. Here are a few cute ones from this week. Tiny beagle! Wait a minute, this isn't Pria. You're right, it's not! This is Tucker and he was a rep from the Can Do Canines event that I participated in at my work on Wednesday. We packaged up doggie care bags, a...

Cozy Moments

For most of us (sorry, Scott!), this was a shorter week. G had conferences on Wednesday night (he's doing great!) and then he had Thurs & Fri off of school. Ava had Friday off of school for a staff development day, so I took Friday off in solidarity. The things we do for our kids...ha! I had a great day off - I think I need to take more! Not sure what he was doing here...watching YouTube probably! Morning snuggs with the Pria...we should all be so cozy Ava had a few crafty crates that she was never going to do, so I confiscated this one. I made this all, by hand! Wire sculpting is not as easy as I thought, but I am very pleased with how this turned out. Must capture moments of peace when they appear! My friend, Emilie, and I went to the Minnesota Ice Festival on Friday night. We spent most of the time trying to get out of the ice maze, and then warmed up by a bonfire. We topped it off with a really good dinner out at an Indian restaurant in the area. It fills my heart to spend ...

First Band Concert

This past Thursday, we all went to G's first band concert! It seems like such a long time ago that we were at Ava's first band concert at Red Pine, and of the songs that they played on Thursday night was one that she played in 5th grade as well (Let's Go Band!) After they played their songs, Ava admitted that it gave her goosebumps. Not too shabby for a first year band! G and I went to see the new Dog Man movie on Friday after school/work...and it was National Hot Chocolate Day, so we each got a free hot chocolate, as well!  Not too many exciting things happened this week...there was taekwondo, dinner with a friend, dentist appointments, pep band for basketball, school, lots of work, LifeTime classes, and Pria and I managed to get out for a walk over lunch on one of the days that it was almost 50 degrees. We had both forgotten what it was like to be outside with the sun shining, and not freezing!  It's very blustery and cold right now, and we even had a light ...


It was really cold this week. Cold enough that they cancelled school for the kids on Tuesday, giving them a long 5-day weekend. They haven't had any snow days this year, so this was a good plan...standing at a bus stop or walking to school in those low temps is dangerous. It's warmed up a bit, so now it's finally warm enough to snow. It was surreal seeing pics of palm trees this week covered in snow, while we barely have any remaining snow on the ground. But, again, we were dealing with temps in the -30s, with wind chill. This is how Pria stays warm in these chilly temps! Garrett was accepted into the Minnesota Junior Winds first year Honor Band. Hooray! I thought that maybe everyone who was nominated got to go, but it turns out that only 4-5 kids are selected from each school. I'm so proud of him! He'll be receiving the music soon, and he'll have a month or so to practice before a one-day rehearsal with everyone else, and then a concert. I can't wait! I wen...

Refresh & Relax

The kids bathroom needed a little repair (the wall by the shower was getting wet, so Scott needed to scrape out the old stuff, and fix it all up.) We let the kids choose the new paint color (I was thinking cream), and Ava realllly wanted a soft yellow (G didn't care.) So, that's what we did! But that's led into needing a new shower curtain, new towels, new art, etc. It's been fun, and we've been taking our time picking things out. It's been the same since we moved in 11.5 years ago, so it was time for an update. G earned his first stripe on his blue belt this week - we are so proud! This week has been a lot of time spent in the home, relaxing, and enjoying the slowness of January. I also picked up a new class at the gym - dance! I have been so used to going barefoot in my classes (barre and yoga) that I didn't bring any shoes for dance. I had to wear Crocs! I do not recommend that, haha. Next week, my friend is joining me in the dance class; I hope she loves...

Music and Pickleball

This week was Ava's first concert with the Wind Symphony group. It's the 2nd highest band at the high school and she loves it. This was probably my favorite concert they have done so far; they sounded good! You can tell that these are kids who have more years of experience playing. They've only had a few weeks to play together, since the marching band kids didn't join this band until trimester 2 started in early December. They played the Stars and Stripes Forever by Sousa, which I remember playing when I was in high school. It was a flashback to being onstage, and then standing up at the end when the trombones play loudly. What a great song! This song will be one that is played for the concerts when the kids go overseas in a few months. Ava is 3rd from the left in the last row (trumpets) We went out to eat after the concert - she looked so pretty in her dress! G had a good week back at school, starting up his band classes again, as well. It was kind of hard to get back ...